We all are obsessed with right time, muhurat, as they call it while starting shooting a film. There is however a secret formula. The Secret Formula that helps us to define The Perfect Moment for Working on our goal. The Perfect Moment = NOW! Now and here. Every moment is precious. Next time when we are trying to put an important task to take off, let’s take a piece of paper and answer three simple questions. Where are we? What do we want to do? How will we feel while doing it? You will be surprised to find that the one simple technique that will make any boring task a pure fun and increase your productivity by more than 100% is to make a game out of it! Challenge yourself!!
While at the challenging game, we must calculate how much time it really takes to accomplish a task. This will help us not attempting too much at once and underestimating the time it takes to do it. Another most important aspect is to be organized. A cluttered desk and personal disorganization like not having the tools/resources/supplies at one’s own disposal can really play havoc and can be a extraordinary time waster. Involvement in routine go a long way in saving time and detail responsibilities chart for other people in that team should be ensured by delegating relevant task to others. Once that is done it is equally important to set up clear lines of responsibility and authority. That is the decorum.
In the process of all these we should also be aware of time traps, like: Indecision – Think about it, worry about it, put it off, think about it, worry about it, etc.; Inefficiency – Jumping in and implementing instead analyzing and designing first; Procrastination – Failing to get things done when they need to be done; Unnecessary errors – You do not have enough time to do it right, but you have enough time to do it over? Poor organization, Ineffective meetings, Micro-management – failure to let others perform and grow, doing urgent rather than important tasks.
Poor planning and lack of contingency plans, failure to delegate or delegation of responsibility without authority. Lack of priorities, standards, policies, and procedures. The list can go on. There are ways to get out of Time Traps, like: Manage the decision making process, not the decisions.
Concentrate on doing only one task at a time, establish daily, short-term, mid-term, and long-term, priorities, handle correspondence expeditiously with quick, short letters and memos, throw unneeded things away, establish personal deadlines and ones for the organization, do not waste other people’s time, ensure all meetings have a purpose, have a time limit, and include only essential people, get rid of busy work, maintain accurate calendars; abide by them, know when to stop a task, policy, or procedure, delegate everything possible and empower subordinates, keep things simple, ensure time is set aside to accomplish high priority tasks, set aside time for reflection, Use checklists and to do lists, adjust priorities as a result of new tasks. It is important to understand that Time indeed flies; but if we choose, we can be pilots. The choice… is ours.
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