Category - Maya & Mantras

What is Maya & What are Mantras

Maya & Mantras

What is Maya-8

एतद्योनीनि भूतानि सर्वाणीत्युपधारय |
अहं कृत्स्नस्य जगत:...

Maya & Mantras

What is Maya-7

So going back to the origin of Prakriti, let us now discuss the other category of the prakriti that has been described in Bhagavad Gita ch:7,Sh:5. The Lord...

Maya & Mantras

What is Maya-6

So basically it is evident from all this that Maya plays a great role in this cosmic drama. If you will sit quietly for a few moments and try to imagine where...

Maya & Mantras

What is Maya-5

In the previous post I had posted how the God does not accept nor approve one’s sins or virtuous deed. Let us elaborate a little more on this. This is the...

Maya & Mantras

What is Maya-4

The answer lies with the body-mind-intellect quotient. It is interesting to note that the body normally acts through a set of instructions of the mind, which...

Maya & Mantras

What is Maya-3

The Birth, the Death and the Reign happen according to this under the control of Niyati. But Niyati acts only according to the fate of an individual...

Maya & Mantras

What is Maya-2

What is Maya-2
Human mind is the most complex technology of the Universe. That is why it has been able to create the most amazing technology that exist today...

Maya & Mantras

What is Maya?

What is Maya? This single question has many answers. People from different walks of life have answers from many different perspectives. Some call it Illusion...